🚀 Reflecting on Fortnite’s the “BIG BANG” Phenomenon 🧱🏁🎵

by | Dec 4, 2023

This weekend was a landmark moment for us at TOMLIN STUDIO. Like many of both players and/or creators, we were glued to our screens, eagerly anticipating Fortnite’s “BIG BANG” event or as Epic Games themselves put it the future of Fortnite.

Alongside over 11 million players worldwide who joined live, we found ourselves in the same boat as millions of others, turning to Twitch as our gateway to this spectacular event since we couldn’t get in. Luckily many others did so we still could see it live even though we couldn’t use or own skins. Anyway, now over to our reflections.

Watch the video of the event below:

The event in itself was amazing, and then it became even more clear to us how huge this immersive experience platform is and will continue to grow.

Let us point out why:

🚀 A Community United: Witnessing over 11 million concurrent players at the event on Fortnite and the peak viewership of over 3.2 million on Twitch was not just a testament to Fortnite’s pulling power but also highlighted the strength and unity of the gaming community. It’s moments like these that underscore the boundless potential of live events in gaming and other interactive experiences, such as music for instance.

💡 A Business Perspective: For us in the industry, this event wasn’t just about entertainment; it was a masterclass in audience engagement and the power of digital experiences. The sheer volume of players and viewers, many of whom, like us, had to adapt to alternative viewing methods due to server issues, speaks volumes about the evolving landscape of gaming and community interaction.

🌍 Global Impact, Local Connections: As a Swedish immersive studio, we see these global phenomena as opportunities to create localised experiences that resonate both globally and locally. Besides being able to connect with engaging players in your local community, you can also reach out to millions in other countries.

🌌The future for immersive experiences: The “BIG BANG” event in Fortnite epitomises immersive gaming, blending music, gaming, and social interaction in a vast metaverse accessible on everyday devices. This is just the beginning of a future where immersive experiences redefine how we engage with digital media, beyond the need for VR headsets.

We have just started our journey as an immersive studio creating Fortnite games and experiences, and in 2024 we look forward to collaborating with other creatives, brands, and organisations to create even better and more engaging experiences.

The “BIG BANG” event is a reminder of the untapped potential of integrating popular culture and music into gaming platforms like Fortnite so look out for more within games and popular culture like music from us!

Just watch the event being projected on a huge dome-like sphere in Las Vegas. Love it!


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